Quasar CLI
The Quasar CLI allows you to create new projects in no time, by generating a base application, filled with everything you need to begin working on your application. It does most of the heavy-lifting, so you need not concern yourself with the redundant tasks of building the application.
You only need Quasar CLI if using the Main Starter Kit. If you want the UMD version, you won’t be using it.
# Node.js >= 8.9.0 is required. |
Familiarize yourself with the list of commands:$ quasar
init Create a project folder
dev Start a dev server for your App
build Build your app for production
clean Clean all build artifacts
new Quickly scaffold page/layout/component/... vue file
mode Add/remove Quasar Modes for your App
info Display info about your machine and your App
serve Create an ad-hoc server on App distributables
help Displays this message
See help for any command:$ quasar [command name] --help
init (Create Project Folder)
Initializes an App folder with a starter boilerplate.$ quasar init <folder-name>
You’ll need @vue/cli
and @vue/cli-init
globally installed, or just vue-cli
info (Package Versions)
The Quasar CLI is equipped with a stable combination of multiple NPM build packages (Webpack, Vue, etc) which gets updated frequently after heavy testing.
In order for you to see what versions of Node, NPM, Quasar CLI, Quasar, Vue, Webpack, Cordova, Babel and many more, issue this command in a Quasar project folder:$ quasar info
dev (Development Server)
$ quasar dev -h |
The Quasar development server allows you to develop your App by compiling and maintaining code in-memory. A web server will serve your App while offering hot-reload out of the box. Running in-memory offers faster rebuilds when you change your code.
Hot Reload is much more than just refreshing your browser when code changes. It skips the refresh and updates your code on the fly, while maintaining your App’s state (like your Vue’s model data). Please note that there are cases when this is impossible, so the dev webserver will simply refresh your browser. (Always ensure you are running only one instance of Quasar CLI at a time, otherwise Hot-Reload and other stuff will break!)
Based on what you want to develop, you can start the development server by using “quasar dev” command as follows:
# Developing a SPA |
However, there are two themes available: Material Design (‘mat’) and iOS (‘ios’). In order for specifying a specific theme, add the ‘-t’ parameter to the above commands:
# Material Design |
If you wish to change the hostname or port serving your App you have 3 options:
Edit ‘/quasar.conf.js’:
devServer: {
host: '...',
port: ...
}Through ‘-H’ (hostname) and ‘-p’ (port) command options.
- If this is a one time thing, specify the hostname and/or port as an environment variable:
$ PORT=3000 quasar dev
$ HOSTNAME= quasar dev
If there appears to be an issue with hot reload, you can try two fixes:
Change the permissions for the project folder with
sudo chown -R username: .
or run the dev server with root privileges
sudo quasar dev
build / clean (Build App for Production)
$ quasar build -h |
The Quasar CLI can pack everything together and optimize your App for production. It minifies source code, extracts vendor components, leverages browser cache and much more.
# build for production |
You can also clean up the build assets:$ quasar clean
new (Generating Components, Pages, Layouts, Vuex Store)
$ quasar new -h |
This command is simply a helper in order to quickly scaffold a page/layout/component/vuex store module. You are not required to use it, but can help you when you don’t know how to start.
mode (PWA, Cordova, Electron)
$ quasar mode -h |
When you use the Main Starter Kit, you can build SPA (Single Page Website/Application), PWA (Progressive Web App), Mobile App (through Cordova), and/or Electron Apps. When you develop for PWA, Cordova or Electron, you need these modes installed. If you issue “quasar dev” or “quasar build” they will automatically be installed.
These modes will add a “src-*” folder into your project with very specific code for it:
Folder | Mode | Description |
src-pwa | pwa | Contains the Service Worker file that you can tweak. |
src-cordova | cordova | Is a Cordova project folder that will be using your ‘src’ as content. Tweak Cordova config, add/remove platforms, splash screens, Cordova plugins and so on from this folder. Do NOT touch “src-cordova/www” folder though as it will get overwritten at every build. |
src-electron | electron | Has code for the main Electron thread. The renderer thread will be your app in ‘src’. |
If for some reason you decide you don’t need a mode, you can remove it. This will permanently delete the respective “src-*” folder.$ quasar mode --remove pwa
serve (Serve Static-Content Folder)
$ quasar serve -h |
When building a SPA or PWA, the distributable folder can be served by any static webserver. To test it out (assuming you don’t have a specific publicPath or not using Vue Router “history” mode), you can use the “http-server” npm package.
Or you can build your own server. Here are some examples:// when using default Vue Router "hash" mode
express = require('express'),
serveStatic = require('serve-static'),
port = process.env.PORT || 5000
const app = express()
// when using Vue Router "history" mode |
If you need URL rewrites of API, or simply put you want to proxy your API requests, then you can use “http-proxy-middleware” package:// add this to one of the two previous examples:
const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware')
// ...
app.use('/api', proxy({
'/api': {
target: `http://my-api.com:5050`,
pathRewrite: {"^/api" : ""}
// then app.listen(...)
Finally, run one of these files:$ node my-server.js