
Quasar supplies a chat component called QChatMessage which is really a chat entry that renders the data given by the props.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: ['QChatMessage']

Basic Usage

This show a simple chat between two parties.

label='Sunday, 19th'

stamp="4 minutes ago"

:text="['hey, if you type in your pw', 'it will show as stars']"
stamp="7 minutes ago"

Vue Properties

Vue Property Type Description
sent Boolean Render as a sent message (so from current user)
label String Label of message
name String Name of the message creator
avatar String URL to the avatar image of the creator (use a static resource)
text Array Array of strings that are the message body
stamp String Creation timestamp string
text-color String Color of the text
bg-color String Color of the chat message bubble
size Number 1-12 out of 12 (same as col-*).

Note that text property is an Array of Strings. This is useful when two or more messages share the same (or very close) timestamp. They will be displayed on separate bubbles, but grouped together more closely so that the name of the creator and timestamp are displayed only once for this kind of group.

Please refer to the demo source for a more complete set of examples.