
Notify is a Quasar plugin that can display animated QAlerts (floating above everything in your pages) to users under the form of a notification. They are useful for alerting the user of an event and can even engage the user through actions.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
plugins: ['Notify']

Basic Usage

// outside of a Vue file
import { Notify } from 'quasar'

Notify.create('Warning, warning, Will Robinson!')
// or with a config object:
message: 'Warning, warning, Will Robinson!'

// inside of a Vue file
// or with a config object:

You can see this notification at the bottom of the demo page screen. Please notice the defaults:

  1. The notification is red.
  2. It has a timeout of 5000ms.
  3. It appears floating at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The animation is determined by the position of the notification on screen.

Config Object

Let’s go deeper and analyze the different optional properties available for a notification.

// only required parameter is the message:
message: `A text with your alert's awesome message`,

* All parameters below are optional:

timeout: 3000, // in milliseconds; 0 means no timeout

// "type" adds a color and icon,
// so you don't need to specify them.
// Available values: 'positive', 'negative', 'warning', 'info'
type: 'positive',

color: 'positive',
textColor: 'black', // if default 'white' doesn't fits

icon: 'wifi',
// or
avatar: 'statics/boy-avatar.png',

detail: 'Optional detail message.',
position: 'top-right', // 'top', 'left', 'bottom-left' etc

actions: [
label: 'Snooze',
icon: 'timer', // optional
noDismiss: true, // optional, v0.15.11+
handler: () => {
label: 'Dismiss',
handler: () => {

onDismiss () { // v0.15.11+

If you define any actions, the notification will automatically be dismissed when user picks it.

Programmatically Closing Alert

Notifications are meant to be dismissed only by the user, however for exceptional cases you can do it programmatically. Especially useful when you set indefinite timeout (0).

const dismiss = this.$q.notify({...})

Types of Notifications

Quasar offers the possibility to create out of the box notifications for different types of success or failure messages. The Notify types have specific icons and colors.

The types of Notify we are talking about are: positive (for success), negative (for errors), warning and info. Here’s how to create them:

type: 'positive',